Settlement Demand videos are 15-30 minute short documentaries that express the strength of your case, highlight your key witnesses and experts, and demonstrate your commitment to getting a great result for your client.


Our Philosophy

The facts matter, and how they are told can make all the difference to the other side.

Insurance adjusters and defense attorneys hear tragic stories every day—how do we make your case stand out? With a video unlike any they have received before.

We believe that if we tell the story powerfully, truthfully, and with undeniable quality, we make it much harder for the other side to turn away.


My job is to tell my client’s story. The Settlement Storytellers team helps me do that powerfully, persuasively, and compellingly. Whether it is a settlement video package for mediation or a day-in-the-life video for trial, their creativity and the quality of their work is incredible.

I have worked with them for several years and they still amaze me every time. They are a huge value-add for my cases.
— Elliott Buckner, Partner, Cantor Grana Buckner Bucci


The CREATIVE process

You, as the attorney, are a critical part of the creative process. We simply can’t do our work without your legal expertise, direction on strategy, and relationship with the client.

If we have that, you can be as involved or hands-off as you want.

Here’s how it works:


We start with basic questions. What are the facts of the case? Is there liability to be argued along with damages? What are the challenges? Who should be interviewed?

With your help, we create a timeline and plan, and we start to execute.


We often work in Virginia, Washington DC, North Carolina, and Maryland, but we will travel where you need us. We shoot interviews on-location, and the interviews are typically conducted by us.

While we’re there, we also capture “b-roll”, which is a production industry term for shots of people, places, and things that help tell the whole story.


We use many kinds of assets to create the final video:

  • Footage we shoot

  • 911 audio / body cam footage / security footage / police reports

  • Discoverable documents

  • Maps / schematics

  • Medical records

  • Demonstratives

  • Photos and videos from friends and family

  • Music

  • Images and text pulled from social media


You will receive a link from us to a private video page for your review. Once we’ve finalized the video, we will send you a link to download it or ship a hard copy to you.

Start to finish, a Settlement Demand video typically takes 5-6 weeks to complete. Accelerated timelines may be available.

A Settlement Demand video is often paired with a Day in the Life video.



Types of cases we’ve worked on

  • Home fire / premises liability

  • Commercial trucking crash

  • Catastrophic injury / loss of limb

  • Wrongful death

  • Injury of a minor / negligent supervision

  • Motor vehicle crash / contested liability

  • Motor vehicle crash / damages only

  • Motorcycle crash

  • Trucking crash