We operate like a confidential extension of your staff. We digest the facts, follow your direction, create concepts for the story, handle project management, gather assets, discover new angles, coordinate with everyone involved, and work closely with you and your staff to hit the mark.


David Broughton

Partner, Director

David owns the creative vision of every project. He brings together the perspectives, facts, and personalities of the case into a coherent story. David collaborates on story and strategy (as we each do).

Leila Oakley

Partner, Producer

Leila owns the big picture of every project. She manages the timeline, keeps everything on track, and delivers the final product. She would be your first point of contact on our team. Leila collaborates on story and strategy (as we each do).

Edward Estes

Camera, Sound, Strategy

Edward owns the technical execution of every project. He manages the lighting, cameras, and sound during shooting. Edward collaborates on story and strategy (as we each do).



The Settlement Storytellers are a professional video production team. It’s important to us to be the kind of people you enjoy working with. When you tell us something, we listen and make sure everyone on our team hears it. We will communicate clearly. We will treat you and your client the way we wish to be treated.